‼️ New Events Added‼️
🎉🎉New Events Added🎉🎉
Tickets for these events will go on sale right here on the website Wednesday March 13th at 11am.
Woody's Round Up Tea Party
Join Woody and Jessie for our first ever Woody's Round Up Tea Party complete with live cowboy and western sing along.
Friday June 21st at 7pm

Ticket Link:https://www.ourtechnicolorlife.com/event-details/woodys-round-up-tea-party-friday-june-21st-at-7pm
Tuesday Afternoon Tea
Indulge in an afternoon of sophistication at our Tuesday afternoon tea party.
Tuesday July 16th at 1pm

Ticket Link:https://www.ourtechnicolorlife.com/event-details/tuesday-afternoon-tea-party-tuesday-july-16th-at-1pm
Gazebo Concerts
We have run out of weekends for the most part to host any additional tea events so we are looking at some weeknights to add a few evenings of live music and light refreshments. We've heard a lot of feedback about wanting more music so we've come up with Gazebo Concerts! These will be ticketed events to allow for accurate seating and will be in the tea garden, weather permitting, or indoors in case of in climate weather. This is not a tea party but there will be light refreshments and lots of great love music.
Wednesday May 29th at 7pm
An evening of Billy Joel (Jeff) and Elton John (Carrie) tunes! Join us for live music and light refreshments as a part of our new Gazebo Concert Series!

Ticket Link:https://www.ourtechnicolorlife.com/event-details/gazebo-concert-wednesday-june-29th-at-7pm
Wednesday July 3rd at 7pm
It's a magical night of music featuring live tunes from your favorite Disney movies! A family fun sing along night!

Ticket Link:https://www.ourtechnicolorlife.com/event-details/gazebo-concert-wednesday-july-3rd-at-7pm
Wednesday July 31st at 7pm
Blast From the Past combines the best of the best of the oldies 50s, 60s, and 70s.

Ticket Link:https://www.ourtechnicolorlife.com/event-details/gazebo-concert-wednesday-july-31st-at-7pm
These Gazebo Concerts will be approximately an hour long of live music, Jeff on keyboard, and myself of vocals. Feel free to dress up in theme if you would like or just come to enjoy a fun evening of live entertainment and light refreshments in our tea garden, weather permitting. In case of inclimate weather or excessive heat, we'll be inside the tea room.
So mark your calendars and grab your friends!